Contact & FAQ

Contact us or read our FAQ to find answers to common problems

General Enquiries

The Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness is a registered charity. The foundation is contactable through this website or through their appointed legal representatives; c/o Wrigleys Solicitors, 3rd Floor, 3 Wellington Place, Leeds, LS1 4AP, United Kingdom.

Have A Question?

Find below answers to common problems, if you still haven’t found an answer to your question, please contact us here.

PG International Conference Travel Awards
I’m an ECR rather than a PhD student – can I still apply?

Yes – provided it’s within 3 years since you were awarded your PhD.

Can I apply in between award round deadlines?

No – we do not accept applications other than at the two deadlines (end of October and end of March each year).

Can I apply for a conference taking place shortly after the award application deadline?

Not unless there is an interval of at least 8 weeks between the FSHI application deadline and the conference date. We cannot make retrospective awards.

I’ve submitted an abstract, but am awaiting a decision. Can I still apply?

Yes – but, if a conditional award is made, you should send confirmation of acceptance for an oral presentation.

My abstract has been accepted for a poster session. Can I still apply?

No – the award is made for oral presentations only.

I applied – unsuccessfully – in a previous round. Can I apply for future rounds?


I’ve already been funded by FSHI to attend a conference. Can I make a further application?

No. We can only fund individuals for one conference.

I can only attend if my full-time carer accompanies me. Can I apply for funding to enable this individual to attend as well?

Yes. Please explain on your application form.

Mildred Blaxter Fellowships
Although it’s more than 2 years since I was awarded my PhD., I’ve had a break from academic work for a period of time following this. Am I still eligible to apply?

No – the 2 year cut-off is always applied. (The Foundation aims to support ECRs at the outset of their careers.). In exceptional circumstances (e.g. maternity leave or prolonged absence due to illness), applicants may be allowed more than two years’ post-PhD experience.

I am not living in the UK, but I’m attached to a UK university. Am I eligible?

No. You must be resident in the UK for the duration of the proposed Fellowship.

I do not have UK citizenship. Can I apply?

Yes – provided that you are resident in the UK and will be based in a UK university for the duration of the Fellowship.

Can I apply to take up a Fellowship on a part-time basis?

You can apply to take up a Fellowship on a part-time basis, but only if your regular (and sole) contract is for a part-time fellowship. (Occasionally some exceptions may be made – please contact FSHI to discuss.)

I applied – unsuccessfully – for a previous award round. Can I make another application?

No. Individuals can make only one Fellowship application.

My PhD viva’s scheduled. Can I apply now?

It might be better to wait for the next round. In order to be eligible for an award any corrections required by the examiners must have been formally accepted and the PhD must have been awarded before a Fellowship can start.

I’ve had my viva and have no corrections to make. Can I apply now?

Yes, but the PhD must have been awarded before a Fellowship can start.

I have a PhD by publication. Am I eligible?

No. This award is for candidates who have been awarded a PhD for research.

Symposium or workshop support grants
I’m not an ECR, but in a more senior role. Can I apply?

Yes – this award is open for everyone in an academic position within a UK university, regardless of seniority.

Is it possible to have international co-applicants?

Yes – provided that the principal applicant is employed at a UK university.

Research grant development awards
I’m not an ECR, but in a more senior role. Can I apply?

Yes – this award is open for everyone in an academic position within a UK university, regardless of seniority.

Is it possible to have international co-applicants?

Yes – provided that the principal applicant is employed at a UK university.

Can’t find your answer?